Friday, July 07, 2006

books read week of 7 July 2006

Spent the holiday relaxin and got a nice stab at mount TBR this week.

1. Ghost Ship by Dianne Carvey (ST:tNG #1)
2. A Yellow Raft in Blue Water by Michael Dorris
3. Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt
4. Dragon's Honor by Kij Johnson and Greg Cox (ST:tNG #38)

Thus starts the influx of Star Trek: the Next Generation titles into my weekly reading. I was kind enough to be gifted with about 10 that I have not read - to the best of my knowledge as I was checking them out from the library before and read what was available. I'll most likely be alternating one in after each regular literature and the big sci-fi/fantasy books I have coming up in the TBR pile as a nice mental break, since they are like brain candy.

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